Export specific content

Export specified document contents

As shown above, a document or media content is put in an "item" XML tag with a content :

<item entity_type="document">
<item entity_type="media">

For each associated document you can specify the content you want to export among the following :

  • completeness
  • tags
  • workflows
  • attributes/association attributes
  • variants

Back to our previous case, we could specify contents as bellow (in grey) :


The corresponding key/value is

    "content": {
        "attribute": true,
        "completeness": true,
        "tag": true,
        "variant": true,
        "workflow": true
    "linked_docs": [
            "content": {
                "attribute": true,
                "urls": true
            "document_type": "media",
            "link_type": "child",
            "linked_docs": [],
            "xobject_type_slug": "article_images_bundle"
            "content": {
                "tag": true,
                "workflow": true
            "document_type": "reference_colori",
            "link_type": "child",
            "linked_docs": [
                    "content": {
                        "urls": true
                    "document_type": "media",
                    "link_type": "child",
                    "linked_docs": [],
                    "xobject_type_slug": "article_images_media"
                    "content": {
                        "attribute": true,
                        "completeness": true
                    "document_type": "reference",
                    "link_type": "parent",
                    "linked_docs": [],
                    "xobject_type_slug": "link_r_rc"
            "xobject_type_slug": "link_bundle_rc"


No content

To exclude all contents from item, just set "content" = false

Export specific attributes

For each document type you can specify a set of attribute codes you want in the export :


With the following key/value :

    "eav": [
    "linked_docs": [
            "document_type": "media",
            "eav": [
            "link_type": "child",
            "linked_docs": [],
            "xobject_type_slug": "article_images_bundle"
            "document_type": "reference_colori",
            "eav": [
            "link_type": "child",
            "linked_docs": [
                    "document_type": "media",
                    "eav": [
                    "link_type": "child",
                    "linked_docs": [],
                    "xobject_type_slug": "article_images_media"
                    "document_type": "reference",
                    "eav": [
                    "link_type": "parent",
                    "linked_docs": [],
                    "xobject_type_slug": "link_r_rc"
            "xobject_type_slug": "link_bundle_rc"