Product page

The stars of the show!


New Version of the Product Page

This page presents the new version of the product page, available following the visual rework of our platform.

You can still access the old version of the product page by clicking on "Switch to the old document page" located at the top right of the screen. This will allow you to continue using the suggestion mode which is not carried over to the new version of the product page.

Product pages are amazing. Their versatility allows them to be used in many different ways. Not only do they display all the information describing your products, but they do much more! Product pages are based on document objects and are sometimes referred to as document pages or simply documents.



Product pages, based on document objects, can be called document pages or simply documents.

Accessing Product Pages

There are several ways to access your Quable PIM product pages, the most common are:

Product Page Structure

Product pages contain everything necessary for presenting an item: editorial content, asset, variants, links to other documents, etc.

Although there is no "standard" product page structure, each includes the following segments:

Title and main attributesProvides an overview of the product page:

  • the name of the document
  • the document's attribute set, if applicable. (You can modify the attribute set by selecting it from the dropdown list).
  • main attributes
Assets overviewProvides an overview of the assets linked to the product page:

  • a preview of the associated assets (if defined by the Quable PIM administrator)
  • Content tabsProduct pages generally include the following tabs:

    • General - To enter and modify the textual information of the product page.
    • Asset - To manage the associated asset.
    • Associated Documents - (optional tab) To manage "child" and "parent" documents.
    • Variants - (optional tab) To manage the associated variants.
    • Tasks - To manage the tasks associated with the current document.
    Translation toolsTranslation mode - To translate the attributes of the product page.

    Clicking the icon opens a pop-up that allows you to localize your attributes in all the available data languages on your PIM instance. You can then:

    • Manually enter translations in the text fields
    • Click the magic wand to generate an automatic translation in the text fields
    Quable AI Text Generation ToolsClick on the icon to automatically generate content using the Quable AI text generation feature. Note that:

    - Content generation works only on text-type attributes.
    - This feature must be configured in advance by the administrator of your Quable PIM instance.
    BreadcrumbAllows you to visualize and navigate through your classification hierarchy using the breadcrumb links located at the top of each product page.
    Action buttonsAllow you to perform specific actions on a product page:

    • Move - To move a document to another classification.
    • Archive - To archive a document.
    • Delete - To delete a document.
    • Duplicate - (default data language only) To make a copy of a document.
    • Print - To "print" a PDF of the document.
    Activity historyAllows you to view previous actions performed on a product page. Displays the date, author, and language.
    CompletenessIndicator of the completeness level of product pages, according to the sets defined by the Quable PIM administrator. By clicking on a completeness indicator, the color-coded point corresponding to completeness is highlighted next to the required attributes, and attributes not concerned by completeness are hidden.
    TagsLocated in the upper right corner, tags indicate the stages or states of product pages, highlighting relevant information and making it easy to see the actions to be taken. Tags are defined by the Quable PIM administrator.
    WorkflowIndicator of the status of a product page or a workflow stage (e.g., publication status, completeness rate, etc.). There are two types of status:

    • Conditional status - Displayed as a colored dot with the status name, these are automatically calculated according to one or more rules defined by your Quable PIM administrator.

    • Workflow stages - Displayed as a dropdown list to manually change the status of a document according to a workflow stage.

    Product Page Header

    The upper part of the product page gathers the main information, accessible at a glance.


    Collapsible Header Behavior

    When you scroll down the page, the header shrinks and only the large thumbnail, the name, and the product page code remain visible.

    Asset Preview

    At the top left of the product page header, you will find:

    • A large thumbnail representing the first image associated with the product page, with the total number of asset displayed at the bottom right.
    • Small thumbnails for other asset linked to the product page. By clicking on these small thumbnails, you can change the image displayed in the large thumbnail.
    • A "more..." button. By clicking on it, you directly access the asset tab of the product page.

    Name, Code, and Main Attributes

    The central block of the header contains:

    • The product page title, corresponding to the document's "name" attribute.
    • The document code, with two nearby buttons to copy and edit this code.
    • A dropdown menu to select and modify the attribute set of the product page.
    • The main attributes configured by the administrator in the PIM instance's data model.


    The breadcrumb at the top right of the product page shows the position of the product page within the classification hierarchy. The classification is interactive and allows navigation to higher levels.

    Content Tabs


    This tab is where you enter and edit most of the text descriptions for a product page. It generally contains several sections with distinct groups of attributes to be completed. The exact layout of the document type is configured by your Quable PIM administrator.




    The tab named "General" is a generic editing tab. The Quable PIM administrator can rename it or create other tabs of this nature.

    Quable AI Text Generation Tools



    To use the generative AI feature on the product page, your Quable PIM instance administrator must have configured the feature in advance.

    With Quable AI, users can easily generate relevant and accurate content with just a few clicks, enhancing their productivity. This feature enables users to fully leverage artificial intelligence for enriched and consistent product descriptions.

    Identifying the Quable AI Text Generation Button

    A button is available next to text input fields, allowing users to generate relevant prompts to automatically complete their text entries.

    Generating Content

    Click the AI prompt button to automatically generate content.

    Monitoring Prompt Usage

    If you are using an instance with a free subscription, Quable PIM displays the number of remaining prompts when using AI on the document page. Notifications inform you of the remaining prompts based on current usage.

    Save your changes

    When you enrich attributes in the General tab, the changes are not saved automatically. A box at the bottom of the product page appears to inform you of the number of fields modified and invites you to save or cancel your changes.

    At any time, you can save the changes made to a product page by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page or Cancel to discard the changes.


    This tab allows you to manage digital multimedia files (assets) associated with a product page.


    The assets are displayed in sections corresponding to the linkage used to associate them with the product page. Immediately after the linkage name, the number of assets associated with that linkage is displayed. This is useful for quickly identifying how many assets are used for specific purposes (e.g., collections, print, web, etc.).


    Important Note

    Since assets are associated with documents through linkages, you need the following cross-reference permissions to manage them: Create - Update - Delete.

    Add AssetsThere are two ways to add assets to a document: searching and importing. Both methods are performed just below the section title:

    • Search - You can perform a quick search by entering at least three characters of the Name or Code of an existing asset in the search bar. A dropdown list of assets will automatically appear.
    • Import - You can add external assets by clicking the Add New Asset button. The new asset will be automatically associated with the document.
    Reorder AssetsYou can change the order of assets within a section by clicking the Reorder button of that section. A dialog box will appear where you can drag and drop assets into the desired order.

    The primary asset is the first asset in the first section. To select an asset from another section as the primary asset, an administrator must adjust the priority of the section's linkage type.
    Download CompressedYou can download a compressed file of all assets by clicking the Download All button.

    Additional Actions

    When hovering over an asset, additional buttons are available to perform actions on the selected asset:

    • Manage Link Attributes
    • More Details (access asset page)
    • Download Asset
    • Dissociate Asset from Link
    • Delete Asset

    More Details

    Clicking the More Details button takes you to the asset page:


    This page includes all attributes defining the asset, as well as specific settings and actions for the asset.

    Download Asset

    Clicking the Download button opens a dialog box to specify the download size:

    • Original File - The file is downloaded in its original size. Note that, depending on the format, it may be quite large.
    • Resizing to jpg - You can specify the width and height of the asset to download. This option is mainly used for image files.

    Make your selection and click the Download button to download the asset or Cancel to abort the download.

    Dissociate Asset

    By clicking the Dissociate button, the link between the document and the asset is removed.



    Dissociating asset from a document does not delete it. If the asset is:

    • associated with one or more other documents ➡️ the asset is simply detached from the document.
    • not associated with another document ➡️ it becomes orphaned.

    Delete asset

    By clicking the Delete asset button, the asset is permanently removed from the document and Quable PIM.



    This action is irreversible. Once asset is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

    Associated Documents

    This tab allows managing other documents associated with the product page.

    The links between documents are displayed in the left dropdown menu, and the number of associated documents for each link is shown immediately after the link name. This allows quickly identifying the number of associated documents used for specific purposes (e.g., cross-selling, upselling, etc.).


    Rights and Permissions

    Since associated documents are connected to documents through links, you need the following cross-reference permissions to manage them: Create - Update - Delete.

    Associate DocumentsYou can add associated documents by performing a quick search. Enter at least three characters of the Name or Code of an existing document in the search bar.
    Disassociate DocumentsYou can remove an associated document by clicking the Dissociate button, or by selecting a group of documents and clicking the Unlink Selection button.
    Open DocumentsYou can open an associated document in a new browser tab by clicking the Open in New Tab icon.


    This tab allows managing variants associated with a product page.


    Add a Variant



    Each variant can only belong to one product page.

    Click on the Add a Variant button, a window opens to define the attribute values of the new variant:

    Enter the information related to the variant attributes. By default, the following attributes are available:

    CodeThe unique code of the variantYes
    NameThe name of the variantNo

    Once you have entered all the information for the new variant, click on the Add button to save the variant or on the Cancel button to abandon creation.



    The attributes available for variants are defined by the administrator of your Quable PIM instance.

    Main Info

    At a glance, this section displays the position (priority) of the variant and its code. By clicking on the ⋮⋮ dots at the beginning of the line, you can drag and drop to change the position of the variant.


    Enhance or Modify Variant Attributes

    Variant attributes are displayed directly in the right part of the table. To enter or modify an attribute value, double-click on one of the cells. Use the Tab key to automatically move to the next attribute.

    Double-click on the Active column cell of a variant to change its active or inactive state.

    Display Options

    You can modify the display of variant attributes in the table. Click on the three dots next to the attribute name in the column header to display the display options:

    • Pin left
    • Pin right
    • Hide
    • Manage columns. This option allows you to customize attributes to hide or display for variants.

    Assets associated with variants

    Click on a row in the table to select a variant. Assets association functionalities for the selected variant appear below the page.

    You can then add asset for the selected variant by following the steps in the Assets section. The process is identical to managing asset for the product page.



    Only the image-variant link is available for associating asset with a variant.


    This tab allows you to manage tasks associated with the product page.

    At the top of the tab, you will find Filters. Use the dropdown menus to filter tasks displayed by status, category, created by, and/or assigned to.

    Tasks are displayed in the center of the tab with their status indicated by a color code representing the level of completion. Click on a task to open its dialogue box and add a comment for its creator.

    To create a new task, click on the Create task button. This will open the New task window where you can enter the necessary information and assign the task to the appropriate person or role.

    For more information on task management, refer to the Tasks page.

    Action Buttons

    The Actions menu (on the right side of the product page) provides access to a set of buttons for performing actions on the product page. These buttons are available from each tab of the page.



    You can move a document to another classification by clicking the Move button. A window will appear where you can select a new classification from a dropdown list. Once you have made your choice, click the Move button to move the document, or click the Close button to cancel the move.



    You can exclude a document from displaying in your Quable PIM by clicking the Archive button. A window will appear to confirm archiving. Click Yes to archive the document, or click No to cancel archiving.



    Archive Retrieval

    You have 2 ways to retrieve archived product pages:

    • Or via the following API: https://{your-company}


    You can permanently delete a product page by clicking the Delete button. A window will appear to confirm deletion.



    This action is irreversible. Once a document is deleted, it cannot be recovered.


    You can create a copy of a product page by clicking the Duplicate button. A window will appear to confirm duplication. A "-copy" suffix is added to the Code of the document. You can modify it or leave it as-is.




    Only the product page, its attributes, its links, and its assets (if applicable) are copied. Variants are not copied because they can only belong to one product page.