
Enhance your documents with a built-in DAM!

Documents may be the stars, but assets are what really make them shine! They bring your content to life via visuals, videos, 3D/360° immersive images, etc.


Accessing Assets

There are several ways to access your Quable PIM assets, the most common are:


Quable PIM accepts many file formats. The following is a table of the most common formats (non exhaustive).

AssetFormatPreview Image?
  • .png
  • .webp
  • .jpg / .jpeg
  • .bmp
  • .gif
  • .tif / .tiff

An icon is displayed in the place of a
preview image for formats not listed.
  • .avi
  • .mp4
No (embedded player)

An icon is displayed in the place of a
preview image.
  • .pdf
  • .pptx
  • .doc / .docx
  • .xls / .xlsx
  • .eps
  • .psd
  • .indd
  • .txt
  • .csv
  • .zip
  • .rar
  • .xml

An icon is displayed in the place of a
preview image.


Maximum Asset Size: 500 MB
Maximum Pixel Size (for generating preview images): 75 MPX

Assets Page

The Assets page is where you can create and manage your Quable PIM asset classifications. The page includes:


The page is divided into two panels:

Left PanelRight Panel
The Left panel displays your classification hierarchy in a list that can be expanded and collasped via the arrows ( > ) next to them. The list can be expanded until the lowest classification level is displayed.

Expanding a classification level displays the contents of that classification level in the Right panel. When you click on the lowest level, the classification's assets are displayed in the Right panel.

You can collapse the Left panel by clicking on the left arrow ( < ) in the upper right corner. The right arrow ( > ) is displayed to allow you to expand the panel again.
Once a classification has been selected in the Left panel, the contents of the selected classification are displayed in the Right panel.

You can navigate to lower classification levels by clicking on the classification in either the Left or Right panel. Once the lowest classification level has been selected, the classification's assets are displayed.

Asset Display

Once you've reached the lowest level of a classification, there are two ways to view your assets:

  • Gallery view - Assets are represented in columns with their titles and format. You can activate gallery view by clicking the Gallery icon next to the Add button.


    Hovering over an asset reveals buttons to Edit, Download or Delete the asset.



    PDF and video assets include a Preview icon. (Use the ESC button to close the preview)

  • Table view - (default view) Assets are displayed in table rows. You can activate table view by clicking the crossed out **Gallery** icon next to the Add button.
When table view is used, the Columns button allows you to specify which columns to display.

By default, the Thumbnail, Name, Size, and Asset Type columns are enabled. You can enable or disable individual columns by clicking the slide switch next to them. To enable or disable all columns, click the Show All or Hide All options.

You can search for a specific column by entering its title in the search bar. The list will display fewer and fewer results as you continue to enter text in the search bar until nothing matches.
Table view also allows you to click directly on a column header to change the list sort order and display an arrow to indicate which column and direction the list is sorted on or access a columns submenu to sort and select the columns displayed.

New Classifications

To create a new classification, select the DAM classification level (the highest level) and click the + Classification button. A dialog is displayed to define the new classification:


Enter the following information:

NameThe name of the classification.Yes
CodeThis is automatically generated by Quable PIM when you click in the Code entry area.

This is only editable during creation of the classification. Once the classification has been created, it can no longer be modified.

Once you have entered all of the information for the new classification, click the Add button to save your changes or the Close button to return to the Assets page without saving the new classification.

New Sub-Classifications

To create a new sub-classification, select a "parent" classification. A list is displayed of its "children" (sub-classifcations). Continue navigating through the classifications until you're within the desired parent classification. Once you've located the level for the new sub-classification, repeat the process for New Classifications.


Assets can only be added to the lowest classification level.

If a classification:

  • already contains assets, sub-classifications can not be added.
  • does not contain assets, sub-classifications can be added.

Edit Classifications

To modify a classification, navigate through the classifications until you're within the desired parent classification. Once you've located the desired level click the Edit icon (next to the classification title, above the Right panel).

The classification's page is displayed. When you've finished editing the classification, click the Apply button to save your changes or the Back button to return to abort the modification.

Delete Classifications

To delete a classification, navigate through the classifications until you're within the desired parent classification. Once you've located the desired level click the More actions (...) option next to the + Classification button and select Delete classification.

New Assets

You can add new assets to your classifications from the Assets page or you can add an asset to a document via its Asset tab. These options are described in the following sections.


Because assets are associated with documents via links, you must have the following cross-reference permissions to manage them: Create - Update - Delete

From Assets Page

The Assets page provides two ways to add assets:

  • Drag and Drop - Select a classification, then drag one or more assets into the drop area in the Right panel.
  • + Upload button - Select a classification, then click the + Upload button. A window opens where you can select assets from your computer / network.

In both cases, the files are immediately added to the selected classification and a status indicator is displayed. Clicking on the status indicator opens a window showing the status of each uploaded asset.


If the asset addition status is:

  • Running - Clicking Reduce closes the window and returns to the status indicator. Clicking Abort All stops the addition of the assets and closes the window and the status indicator.
  • Success or Failed - Clicking Reduce closes the window and returns to the status indicator. Clicking Abort All closes the window and the status indicator.

From Document

To add an asset from a document, open its Asset tab . From here, select a section (link) and:

  • perform a quick search by entering at least three characters of an existing asset's Name or Code in the section's search bar. A scrollable list of assets is automatically displayed from which you can make a selection.

  • click the + Upload a New Asset button. A window is displayed so you can browse your computer / network and select one or more assets to import en masse.


    Checking the Overwrite files with the same name option replaces any existing assets that have the same name as a new asset.

    Click the Start button to add the asset(s), the Remove All button to clear the list, or the Close button to abort the addition of the new asset(s).

In both case, the asset(s) are automatically associated with the document.



The maximum length of a media file name cannot exceed 100 characters. The media file name will be automatically truncated of the excess characters, if any.

Asset Sheet

Asset sheets contain everything necessary to identify and describe an asset. While there is no "standard" asset sheet structure, every asset sheet includes the following segments:

Classification breadcrumbs Enables viewing and navigating your classification hierarchy via the breadcrumb links at the top of each asset sheet.
Asset The asset.
Asset Attributes All of the attributes for the asset. By default, the following attributes are available:

  • Code - The unique code of the asset (cannot be modified).
  • Original file name - The original name of the asset file.
  • File size - The total size of the asset in kilobytes.
  • Size (pixels) - The total size of the asset in pixels.
  • Color space - Defines the specific organization of the asset colors.
  • Active - Specifies if the asset is visible. If unchecked, the asset is only accessible via URL.
Action buttonsEnables performing specific actions on a document:

  • Links
  • Download - Opens the download dialog.
  • Move - Enables changing the asset's classification. A dialog is displayed to select from a list of existing classifications. Attention : This does not remove the asset from the document. It only changes the classification of the asset.
  • XMP Detail - Display the XMP metadata related to the asset.
  • Replace - Allows for asset replacement. A window is opened to enable the download of a replacement.
  • Delete - Delete the asset. Attention: This action permanently deletes the asset from Quable PIM.
Save Save modifications to an asset's attributes.


At any time, you can save modifications to an asset's attributes by clicking the Save button.

Action Buttons

On the right of the page is a group of buttons to perform actions on the asset. Their actions are described in the following sections.

Related Documents

Documents related to the asset are displayed in this section along with the document's Name, Code, and Slug. Double-clicking on a document opens the document's page.



You can relate new documents by searching for them in the search bar and selecting one from the results.

Order Assets

Once assets are related to documents, you can specify the order in which they're displayed via the assets tab.

Variant Associated

Variants associated to the asset are displayed in this section along with the variant's Name, Code, and Slug. Double-clicking on a variant opens the Variants tab of a document.



You can associate new variants by searching for them in the search bar and selecting one from the results.


Clicking on the Download button opens a dialog to download the original asset file or to select a specific image size (according to profiles defined by the Quable PIM administrator):



You can move an asset to a different classification by clicking the Move button. A dialog is displayed where you can select a new classification from a dropdown list. Once you've made your selection, click the Move button to move the document or click the Cancel button to abort the move.



This does not remove the asset from the document. It only changes the classification of the asset.


To replace an asset file, click on the Replace button. A window will appear, allowing you to browse your computer/network to select a new asset file to replace the existing one.


You can permanently delete an asset by clicking the Delete button. A dialog is displayed to confirm the deletion. Click the Yes button to delete the asset or click the No button to abort the deletion.

Asset: Instructions and Restrictions

Important: Do not use asset URLs directly outside of Quable solutions ⛔

It is strictly prohibited to use asset URLs outside of Quable tools and solutions, typically beyond the PIM and DAM. URLs provided by Quable PIM are download links, not for direct usage.

On this subject, please refer to the documentation of API & Assets.

Bonus Information

Tab Save Chrome extension

You can download assets from a list of URLs via the Chrome extension: Tab Save.

To launch a download of assets with Chrome, follow this procedure:

1.Install the Tab Save extension.922
2.Click on the extension in the toolbar to open the extension.620
3.Click on the Edit icon.97
4.Enter a list of URLs into the Tab Save window. (By default, the URLs of all open browser windows are listed.)620
5.Click the Download icon to start the download.


If the total file size is too large (>2GB), an email is sent to you with a file listing all the URLs of the requested assets.