Quable App - CraftMyPDF


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Do you want to be able to print your product sheets in PDF format from a template you have created ? Then the Quable App - CraftMyPDF is for you!

In this page we will explain you how to install and use this Quable App. But first, a little reminder :

What is the Quable Apps Store? And a Quable App?

The Quable Apps Store is a catalog containing content of 3 kinds:

  • Cookbooks:** Guides that facilitate the connection between the PIM and different tools (ERP, DAM...).
  • Quable Apps:** External applications adding functionalities that can be used from the PIM.
  • Connectors:_ Additional functionalities developed by Quable, allowing a fluid connection with other tools (example: Textmaster)_

Quable Apps are additional functionalities, developed by our teams, by our partners, or directly by our customers, which meet specific needs and which can be used on certain pages of the PIM. These applications can be "custom" i.e. created by you with the help of one of our partners, or accessible to all via the Quable App Store.
All these applications are unique and can have different billing methods.
Today, the installation of Quable Apps is done manually, so we advise you to contact our expert by clicking on the "contact us" button in the Quable Apps Store, or your Quable consultant.

CraftMyPDF, what for ?

CraftMyPDF ( https://craftmypdf.com/ ) is a web-based editor, usable from any browser, that allows you to design PDF templates and use them via other tools (like Zapier, Make or even REST API) to generate beautiful PDF documents, from your predefined templates and JSON data. The PDF template editor includes a rich set of layouts and components to create beautiful PDFs with powerful expressions, formatting, page breaks and data binding.
CraftMyPDF has a free package as well as various subscriptions depending on your needs (see https://craftmypdf.com/pricing/ )


Tips :

  • Sign up for a CraftMyPDF freemium account first. The free account allows you to connect via API, generate up to 50 PDFs per month, and develop 3 different templates. Once your templates are ready to be delivered and PDF generation tests are validated from Quable PIM, you can subscribe to another CraftMyPDF plan.
  • Remember to save your work during template development so you don't lose your progress.
  • For more info on CraftMyPDF and its use, please visit their website and documentation.

Thus, The Quable App - CraftMyPDF is an external application that can be installed on your PIM, allowing you to print your product sheets in PDF, from your CraftMyPDF templates directly from your PIM.

How to install the Quable App - CraftMyPDF on my PIM ?

Before you start installing Quable App - CraftMyPDF, please make sure you have a CraftMyPDF account, and prepare your API key. Also, there is a 100€/month charge for the installation of this app.
The installation is still manual at this time. If you wish, you can contact our expert or your Quable advisor to be accompanied in this installation, otherwise you can follow the following steps for each type of document you want to print :

Go to the Quable Apps Store, and click on "Add an App".

A form appears, asking you to complete the following information:

  • Name: Name of the application visible to PIM users. We recommend "CraftmyPDF - [Doctype]" with [Doctype] the type of document to be printed.
  • Code : Code of the application. Must be unique.
  • Icon : Icon of the application visible by PIM users. We recommend "file-pdf".
  • Application URL: This URL must be provided to you by your Quable consultant.
  • Document type: Type of documents on which the application will be applied.

Then choose "Parameters" in order to fill in 3 of them:

  • Token: this is the API token of your PIM instance. You can find it from the menu "Administration" > "Token API".
  • craftmypdfApiKey : API key to retrieve in the "API Integration" section of your CraftMyPDF account.
  • craftmypdfApiUrl : Unless otherwise specified by your Quable consultant, please enter: "https://api.craftmypdf.com/v1"

Once the required fields of your form are completed, you can click on "Create". Your application is then installed, and you are redirected to the list of Quable Apps installed on your PIM.
From this page, you can change the settings of your applications.

How to use the Quable App - CraftMyPDF?

Once your Quable App has been correctly installed, you can print the product sheets of the type of document entered in the form, in two ways:

  • Uniquely, from a product sheet (of the right type): you can find a "Quable Apps" button allowing you to call the Quable Apps assigned to this type of document. You will then find an application with the name and icon that you entered in the form.
  • In bulk, from the Search: Filter on the right type of document, then select the products to print. Finally click on "Actions", you will find an application with the name and the icon that you entered in the form.
    By clicking on these buttons, a pop-up window will open offering you to select the template to be used for printing, as well as the possibility to concatenate your documents into a single PDF.


CraftMyPDF is not multi-language, so if you want to print your documents in several languages, you can create a template per language or get in touch with your PIM consultant to use value keys to translate the labels. The data language applied to your PDF is the one selected on your PIM when you make your print request.

Click on "Print", you will see a link allowing you to access your PDF.