Advanced Search

Find your content quickly!


New Version

This page introduces the new version of the advanced search, now available following the visual redesign of our platform.
You can still access the old version of the advanced search by clicking on "Switch to old search page" located at the top right of the screen. This will allow you to manage the channels until the deployment of the new version of the channels page, as the current version still uses the saved searches from the legacy version of advanced search.

Advanced Search is a central feature of Quable PIM. It allows you not only to locate and quickly access all objects contained on the Quable platform using a selection of criteria but also to:

  • control the columns to display as well as the sorting order,
  • make quick modifications to your classifications, documents, assets, and variants,
  • create dynamic widgets for your dashboard, and/or
  • export your search results or translations.

Accessing Advanced Search

You can access it from:

  • a search using the Quick Search bar.
  • the Search icon in the form of a magnifying glass in the left navigation menu.


Foy your Information

  • The initial view is a list of your existing documents linked to a selected doctype

Presentation of Advanced Search

The page is divided into two sections. The upper section contains:

The central section displays the results of your search.



Accessing Objects

To access the page of an object in the search results section, you can either:

  • double-click on the row, and you will be immediately redirected to the object's page
  • click on the icon at the end of the row, opening a new tab to the object's page

Search Options

To launch a search, you must specify at least one search option in the upper section. Search options are applied instantly when selected. The more options you use, the more refined your results will be.

Object Type

The Object Type parameter allows you to specify on which type of object Quable PIM performs the search.

Documents(by default) The search is performed only on documents.

When Document is selected, the Document Type option is displayed to specify the type of documents to search for.
AssetsThe search is performed only on assets.
VariantsThe search is performed only on variants.
ClassificationsThe search is performed only on classifications.

Contains text

This input field allows you to directly enter text related to the name and code of documents to refine your search.

Add a Filter


For your Information

  • You can combine multiple filters to refine your search.
  • Filters apply to only one object type and doctype at a time.

To further refine your searches, you can filter by attributes of your items. These attributes can be general, such as name or code, or specific to your items, depending on your data model.

For example, if you're conducting a search on a document, you can filter the search on:

  • one of the attributes associated with the document type,
  • one of the attribute sets, tags, completeness, classification, or workflow associated with the document type,
  • one of the attributes associated with any of its linked documents.

When you add a filter, a dialog box opens to define the filter rules. You can filter by:

  • Values: all available values in the added filter are offered for selection,
  • Conditions: a list of operations on the values is available in a dropdown menu. The menu options vary depending on the type of filter added.


Good to know:

  • The "Status/Workflow" filter is divided into "Tags" filters and Workflow filters (one for each existing workflow, designated by their names in the current interface language).
  • "Status/Workflow" is still usable, but we recommend using the new filters.


Limitation on "Text Area" Attributes

In the case of a search on a text attribute allowing input of more than 255 characters (text area and HTML field type), the search for an item in it will only be performed on the first 255 characters.

Active Filters

When filters have been applied, they are displayed in the header of the search. To remove a filter, click on X.


Display Options

In the right-hand part, the upper section presents the display options. They allow you to define the columns to display, the sorting to apply, and the number of results per page.


Modify Columns

By clicking on the Columns button, a dialog box opens where you can select the columns to display in the search results.


To select columns, check individual items in the Available Columns list (on the left) and move them to the Selected Columns list (on the right). You can also search for a specific column by typing its name in the search bar.

Once you have selected all the columns you want to display, click the Apply button to save the changes or the Cancel button to exit the dialog without modifying the displayed columns.


For your information

You can select or deselect all columns by clicking on the first checkbox at the top of the list.

Modify Sorting

By clicking on the Sort button, a dialog box opens where you can select the direction in which individual columns are sorted in the search results.


To select columns, choose individual items from the Available Columns list (on the left) and move them to the Selected Columns list (on the right). You can also search for a specific column by typing at least three characters of its name in the search bar.

Once you have selected the sorting to apply to the columns, click the Save button to save the changes or the Cancel button to exit the dialog without modifying the sorting order.


You can define the number of results displayed per page (10, 25, 50, 100) in the dropdown menu. 100 is selected by default.


Search Results

Once you have applied your search parameters in the upper section, the corresponding results are displayed in the central section, allowing you to perform the actions described below.



It is impossible to display and navigate beyond 100,000 results in the advanced search.

Save Search


Best Practice

Saving your searches ensures consistency when you perform the same search in the future and also allows you to create widgets.

You can save your search options for future reuse. To save a search, click on the Save button.

A Create a new saved search form opens.

Enter a name to define the label for your saved search, and click Save.

Saved searches appear in the My Searches dropdown menu. Select a saved search to display the search result in the main section. You have the option to delete them by clicking on the trash can icon.

Create a Widget

Quable PIM's graphical widgets present your data in the form of charts to help you see and understand them easily, enhancing time management, collaboration, and efficiency.


To create a new graphical widget from your search results, click the Create a Widget button.

A new dialog box opens, allowing you to Create a Widget.

For detailed information on creating graphical widgets, see Graphs.

Bulk Edit


Selections and Permissions Required

This function is active only when the user has update rights and object selections are made via checkboxes.


Good to know

Once validated, bulk editing runs in the background, and the time to update your changes depends on the number of edited objects.

Bulk editing allows you to update values on a selection of multiple attributes at once, on document, asset, or variant objects. In the case of bulk editing documents, you must also select a document type in the Document Type option.

  • First, perform a search on a selection of objects.
  • Secondly, select the objects you want to edit by clicking on their checkboxes.
  • Finally, click on the Action button, then choose Bulk Edit from the dropdown menu.
  • A dialog box allows you to set up bulk editing for the selected objects.

The number of selected objects is indicated in the header of the window. Enter and/or select the following information:

Attribute to ModifySelect an attribute to modify from the dropdown list.
ValueSelect or enter a new value for the attribute.
Empty the Value (in all languages)Removes the value of the attribute in all locales.

Note: Selecting this option on a translatable text attribute will clear the values only in the current language.


For your information

  • You can add attributes to modify by clicking the Add an Attribute button or remove them by clicking the trash can icon.
  • If you modify or clear the value of a text attribute, it will be modified only in the current data language.

Once you are done, click the Save button to update the attributes or the Cancel button to exit the dialog without modifying the attributes.



It is not possible to perform a bulk edit on more than 250,000 items at once.

Export Results


Selections Required

This function is active only when the user has made object selections via checkboxes.

  • First, perform a search on a selection of objects.
  • Secondly, select the objects you want to export by clicking on their checkboxes.
  • Finally, click on the Action button, then choose Export Results from the dropdown menu.
  • A dialog box allows you to configure the export of the selected objects. Depending on the configured Object Type, exports offer up to three options for the Export Type. The following sections describe each of the available options.



It is impossible to export more than 5000 items using advanced search.

Translation Export

The Translation output type allows you to export the textual content of the selected documents or variants into a translation file. Once selected, additional options appear to define your export.


Select the following information:

Target LanguageIndicates the language into which the content should be translated.
Source LanguageIndicates the language from which the content should be translated.
Content to Export for TranslationDefines the content to export. The following options are available:

  • Texts & predefined values
  • Texts only
  • Predefined values only
File FormatDefines the format of the export file. The following options are available:

  • Excel

Once you have configured the dialog box, click the Export button to generate the translation content export or the Cancel button to exit the dialog without exporting.

The generated export file contains a column with textual content in the Source Language and an empty column for translation in the Target Language.

You can download the file from the Translation File Export section of the Translations page in the Data Flow menu > Translations, or directly from your notification center.



Good to Know

Only attributes for which data is missing are exported in the translation content export file. Attributes for which translation data already exists are not exported.

Asset Export

The Asset output type allows you to export the asset related to the directly selected documents or asset.


Once you have selected the Asset output type, additional options appear to define your export:

  • Link Type – This option is available for Documents and Variants object types. Select one or more asset link types. The link types in the dropdown menu correspond to the asset links of the relevant document type or variant.
  • Studio Image Profile – Select a profile from those available for your asset. By default, Quable PIM includes two standard profiles:
    • Original – Asset is uploaded in its original format.
    • 600x600 – Asset is uploaded in 600x600 format (standard profile used for thumbnails).
  • Export file type – Select a file type:
    • Files – A compressed file (.zip) with the exported asset.
    • URL – A text file (.txt) with URL links to download the exported asset.
    • Files and URL – A compressed file (.zip) with the exported asset and a text file (.txt) with URL links to download the exported asset.

Once these three fields are filled out, click the Export button to generate an asset export or the Cancel button to exit the dialog without exporting.

The platform then sends an email to the address of your account profile containing download links for the asset files. If the total weight exceeds 2 GB, you will also receive a link to a text file (.txt) with the download URLs for the exported asset.


Download Link Duration

Download links are valid for 2 days. After 2 days, download links will be disabled.


Best Practice

You can use the Chrome Tab Save Extension to facilitate downloading asset from the email-sent text file (.txt).

CSV Export


Export Limits

This option is limited to 5,000 records. To export more records, use the Export platform.

The CSV output type allows you to export the textual content of your selected objects (documents, assets, variants, or classifications) into a .csv file. Once selected, additional options appear to define your export.


Provide the following information:

EncodingDefines how to transform the data for specific use. The following options are available:

  • CSV for Excel
  • UTF-8 CSV
ColumnsDesignate the attributes to export.

To select attributes, select individual items from the Available Columns list (on the left) and move them to the Selected Columns list (on the right). You can also search for a specific column header by typing at least three characters of the attribute name in the search bar.

Once you have made your selections, click the Export button to generate the CSV file export or the Cancel button to exit the dialog without exporting.

You can download the file from the Downloads page in the Data > Content menu or directly from your notification center.


Translation Project



This feature is available when:

  • the Quable PIM administrator has integrated the TextMaster connector


  • documents are selected.

A Translation Project allows you to use the TextMaster connector to send your selected documents for translation directly from Quable PIM.

  • First, perform a search on a selection of documents.
  • Secondly, select the objects you want to send for translation by clicking on their checkboxes.
  • Finally, click on the Action button, then choose Translation Project from the dropdown menu.

This opens a dialog box, and additional options appear to define your translation project.


Select the following information:

Source LanguageDefines the language of the data from which the text will be translated.
TextMaster Template to UseSpecifies the predefined translation templates to use for translation. Quable PIM automatically detects the target languages according to the selected translation templates.
Select Attributes for TranslationDesignate the attributes to be translated.

To select attributes, select individual items from the Available Columns list (on the left) and move them to the Selected Columns list (on the right). You can also search for a specific column header by typing at least three characters of the attribute name in the search bar.

The selected documents are added to your TextMaster basket and can be found on the TextMaster Projects page in the Data Flow > Translations menu.

Quable App



This feature is available when:

  • the Quable PIM administrator has integrated a QuableApp,


  • the document type defined for the QuableApp is selected.

The Apps button allows you to use an external application integrated with your selected documents.

To use a QuableApp, click on the Apps button and select an application from the dropdown list. A dialog box opens to allow you to configure and interact with the external application.

Follow the instructions or procedures displayed in the window. When you're finished, you can close the window by clicking on the X in the top right corner.


Important Note

The window opened by the external application, as well as its content and data, are entirely managed by the third-party application itself and not by Quable.

Available QuableApps

The following third-party applications can be integrated with Quable PIM:

  • J2S - Communication and marketing services
  • CraftMyPdf - Design & generation of personalized PDFs